Jumat, 02 September 2011


By : Me
this is made by me with some sources.


                As a student of SMPN 1 Balikpapan, we surely know with the word “ADIWIYATA”. But, what is the meaning of ADIWYATA? What is the impact of ADIWIYATA?
                The word ADIWIYATA is from two words in Sanskrit language ADI and WIYATA. ADI means big, exalted, good, ideal, or perfect.
                Whereas WIYATA means a place where someone can get knowledge, norms, and ethics in social life.
                If the two words merge, on the whole ADIWIYATA means an ideal and good place where can get all of knowledge, all of norms and ethics that can be base human to aim the creation of our prosperity life and to aim continuity development aspire.
                Whereas the sure mean of ADIWIYATA is one of program from Ministry of Life Environment to motivate the creation of knowledge and consciousness the citizens of school to effort of life environment preservation.
                Every award have purpose. The purpose of ADIWIYATA are to create the good condition for school, to be lesson place and awareness of school citizens so for the next day, the citizens of school can share responsibility in life environment redemption and continuity development.
                Some ADIWIYAT A programs are Developing of Policy Environment Conception and Care School, Developing of Curriculum Based on Environment, Developing of Activity or Education Based on Participative, Developing and or Management of school proponent instruments.
`               To get ADIWIYATA award can be distinguish in some categories. They are :
1.       Category ADIWIYATA PRATAMA
Given to school with the minimum condition of participation of citizens of school amount of 70 %. ADIWIYATA PRATAMA announced by Ministry of Life Environment on 2007. Range of points 70-80.
2.       Category ADIWIYATA MADYA
Given to school with the minimum condition of participation of citizens of school amount of 80 %. Range of points 81-90
3.       Category ADIWIYATA UTAMA
Given to school with the minimum of participation of citizens of school amount of 90 %. Range of points 91-100
                To get Adiwiyata award, school must be clean, beautiful or comfortable, etc. not only clean but the participation of citizens if school have to reach minimum 70 %. The students have to custom in keep the environment clean. One of example is throw rubbish, to throw the rubbish must be distinguish in organic, nonorganic, B3 (Poisonous, Dangerous Materials).
                As school of ADIWIYATA we surely know about 4R. the citizens of school have to know about 4R. 4R are Repair, Reuse, Reduce, Recycle. For Reuse, we can use the goods that still useful, the example is cardboard box. Cardboard box that used to be burn, it will cause global warming. We can make frame picture from cardboard. We don’t need buy it in store or mall and we can save our money. For reduce, we can reduce materials that can caused environment become not good or damaged. Example, to reduce the impact of global warming, if we want to go somewhere but it is near from our house, we don’t need use fossil fuel vehicle, because it is near from our house, we can ride a bicycle or by foot. They are more healthy. For recycle, in SMPN 1 Balikpapan has been applied recycle. They are Koji Takakura compost (leftovers from a meal), and Toyo compost, it from dried leaves.
                Our school, SMPN 1 Balikpapan has gotten ADIWIYATA award among others Adiwiyata Pratama and Adiwiyata Madya two times. And for this year SMPN 1 Balikpapan has endeavor to get the third categories and the highest, ADIWIYATA Utama. The whole citizens of school have to given the socialization about Adiwiyata. Like what have done by SMPN 1 Balikpapan, they did voluntary service in school environment neither in Kapten Tendean street area, bringing and planting plants, cleaning like cut the wild grass in school gardens, etc. in SMPN 1 Balikpapan also arrange class garden competition and the winner get money.
                Adiwiyata give the good and advantages impact for school neither for students. Some impacts for school, among others :
1.       School is able to more active to make area that care with environment
2.       School is able to active in all activities to reduce global warming
3.       School is able to active being instrument for environment education distributor in direct practice.
Some impacts for students :
1.       Students be able to used to throw the rubbish appropriate
2.       Students be able to understand how important to select the rubbish
3.       Students be able to understand that trash goods not only for throw away but also can be useful.
Hopefully SMPN 1 Balikpapan can defend Adiwiyata award.

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